Start Your Journey
Choose a path that feels right for you.
Meditation Services
(meditating on the things of God)
Relax, Refresh, Renew Meditation Session
Prayer Journaling & Meditation Session
Personal & Spiritual Growth Coaching Services
Package 1:
Me, Myself & I Mastery Bootcamp
Package 2:
Minding My Relationship Coaching Program
Package 3:
Life On Purpose; My Spiritual Journey
Package 4:
Getting Everything I Deserve Combination Package
Career & Professional Coaching Services
Package 5:
Business & Branding 101
Package 6:
Career Development
Me, Myself and I Mastery Bootcamp
Putting others first too often can cause us to neglect our relationship with ourselves. In this 12 week program, I will be your advocate and reveal to you a gentle and loving way to treat the most important person in your life. Get ready to master the self-love mindset!
Minding My Relationships Coaching Program
In this 12 week program you will grow to be your authentic self, alone and with others while cultivating mindful and meaningful relationships. We’ll do this by identifying negative belief and behaviors replacing them with positivity and proven methods to build healthy relationships.
Life On Purpose; My Spiritual Journey
This is an 12-week coaching journey where you’ll go from uncertainties, distractions and deep pain to creating an sense of trust, belonging and peace in God. The abundance of joy and confirmation you will receive, will push you to discover more about the plan God has for your life.
Getting Everything I Deserve Combination Package
Career & Professional Coaching Services
Business & Branding 101
Take a leap in entrepreneurship!
Starting a business can require so much time, attention and money. Though this may be stressful, there’s never really a “right” time to start a business. If you have the passion, idea and time, work with us today. We have designed a program to help you discover how to start and grow your business.
Career Coaching
Unlock your potential and boost your career!
Choosing the right career is one of the most important decisions you will make. Our program will help you find greater fulfillment in a career that will bring out your strengths and compliment your interest. Are you ready to explore your opportunities for professional growth? Let’s go!
How You Work
Don’t see what you’re looking for? I can customize my coaching programs to match your personal, spiritual or professional goals.